Basic info
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
Birthplace of: Oppo Rancisis
Homeworld of: Thisspiasian
Thisspias was an Expansion Region planet located in the Farstey sector. It was home to the creatures known as cygnats and was the homeworld of the sentient reptilian Thisspiasians. The Thisspiasians were governed by a millennia-old absolute monarchy that was complemented by a democratically elected parliament. The Thisspiasians, an ancient species of warriors, joined the Galactic Republic early in its history, becoming instrumental in averting both external and internal threats to that government. Between 3959 BBY and 3956 BBY, the planet fell within the borders of Darth Revan's Sith Empire.
The Thisspiasian Force-sensitive Oppo Rancisis was born on Thisspias in 206 BBY and was given to the Jedi Order for training as an infant. After Rancisis inherited the title of Blood Monarch of Thisspias in 186 BBY, he abdicated the throne in favor of continuing his Jedi training and eventually became a Jedi Master. During the Clone Wars Thisspias remained undecided on its loyalty to either the Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems, although Rancisis was instrumental in securing the aid of Thisspiasian warriors to Republic's side in several of the conflict's battles.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Thisspias was bombarded and its inhabitants were enslaved. The Imperial governor of the planet imprisoned the Thisspiasian crown prince and subdued a native insurrection. Ultimately, the Rebel Alliance liberated the crown prince, after which Thisspias was placed under Imperial military quarantine. The crown prince returned to reclaim the throne of Thisspias following the Battle of Endor; however, the desire of the populace for a more democratic government led to an extremely bloody civil war. The Blood Monarch returned to power, and the planet was a member of the New Republic by 12 ABY. The Thisspias system was conquered by the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong during their conquest of the galaxy.


See also

Last updated: 25.11.2021 20:21:58